Contact: Mat: 07793 806645,
Unmatched in its class, the Tohatsu 9.8 hp 4-stroke has set the standard in portable outboard power! This lightweight motor weighs in at barely over the 80 lb mark and has undeniable characteristics of a true marine champion.
Our 9.8hp outboard is skinny on fuel and big on power while never compromising performance or reliability. It has a ton of features that are usually only found on larger, more expensive outboards. We pack a lot of punch for the buck in this truly unique outboard! In the 10 hp/9.9 hp category, Tohatsu has once again proven itself the leader of the pack with this 9.8 hp 4-stroke.
9.8hp Power Tilt Models Now Available! Tohatsu’s 9.8 hp has a new option. Power Tilt! That’s right, our award winning 9.8hp engines have an added feature that sets it miles apart from the competition. You can’t beat the power and reliability of Tohatsu’s 9.8hp and now with the new power tilt option, why would you try anything else?